At first i wus liek... but den I lol'd! A worthy representation of the internetz. Moot would be proud! Good job /b/rother, you made me actually have some lulz.
Next time, you should add a few bosses, which would be other 4chan memes (maybe pedobear, just for the lulz), and if you get over 9000 points, add a shoop-da-whoop like attack instantly.
Also, I was decieved by the lazor, it should have been made with more win and epicness. Last thing, add other special attacks, like a lolcat attack, kill-it-with-fire attack when your lazor is half-charged, a slowpoke combo, made of three pieces you got to shoot/catch before having it, and when you use it every enemies slow down (obviously)
The ultimate attack is the banhammer, which instantly finish the game, but den the player would miss the rest of the game. So make it worthy of finishing the game, old style(?)!
Have fun making a number 2! And don't forget, do it for the lulz, YOUR lulz.
I got other ideas, but they would be secrets in the game, so I can't post them, meh.